Technical reports

  • Development and demonstration of technical tools for site characterisation, investigation and risk assessment of key sources of pollution
  • Output 3.1.2 Develpment of a refined numerical transport and flow model
  • Output 3.1.3
  • Output 3.2.1 Guide for Passive Sampling technology for water assessment
  • Output 3.2.2. Report on application and demonstration of integral groundwater investigation approach
  • Output 3.2.3
  • Output 3.2.4 Risk-based approach to assessment of water pollution sources
  • Output 3.2.5 Mathematical gnostics
  • Output 3.2.6-7
  • Output 3.3.3 Toolbox for identification of key sources of groundwater contamination
  • Selection of mitigation options, pilot application and performance evaluation of remediation technologies
  • Establishment of a strategic framework for groundwater risk management inclusive decision support criteria